Friday, March 22, 2013

Taco Thursday

Thursday Workout Wrap-Up: AM: Elliptical. PM: Booty Call Class
Friday Workout Wrap-Up: AM: No More trouble Zones. PM: Jump rope Challenge??


Confession - I totally forgot to complete my own challenge last night! major FAIL.  I remembered when I was about to fall asleep - and I wasn't about to get out of bed to jump rope for 15 min at that point.  I'll try to sneak it in today.  Although I did already do some minor jump roping this morning with my BFF Jillian Michaels.

Amazon rocks and I got my new No More Trouble Zones DVD in a day!  Awesome!

I love to hate you!
I can't quit figure out why this is the hardest workout EVER - but it is.  I guess because it's non-stop.  All the moves are combos - so you aren't just doing a set of are doing a set of lunges AND a fly-out with weights.  You aren't just doing are doing crunches AND chest presses. Also - in the video they are using 3lb weights.  I only have there is that too.

Needless to say I have been nice and sore all morning.  In addition to the soreness left last night at my Booty Call class.  45 minutes focused on creating a perfect Whootie.

Dinner last night was one of those meals where you just start pulling things out of the fridge - add a little of this, a little of that and before you know it d - voila! Dinner!

I had some ground turkey I knew I needed to cook - so I started browning that and pulled out a green pepper and onion.  I added a bunch of seasoning like garlic, cumin and red paper flakes.  After after that I added in some salsa and let everything simmer.

I had some taco shells that were still good, but at 180 cals per tortilla I decided to use one FlatWrap.  One of these has 90 cals and is pretty big.  I cut it in half and  BAM! - 2 taco shells!

I mixed some corn salsa with leftover brown rice from Monday and had a Mexican fiesta! 

I am looking forward to the rest of the weekend (hello, captain obvious!)  Tomorrow after my Evolution class I am heading up to the Philly area for a friends 30th birthday party!  I believe the theme is a cocktail party - so looking forward to getting a little dressed up and enjoying an adult bev!

I volunteered to be DD so my friend and her husband could enjoy the party to the max - but found out she has to be up super early on Sunday to meet her sister at 8am to run 30k!  I was invited along...right now my max mileage is 13.1 and I in no way will be joining in for all 18 miles on Sunday.  I said I would probably head out for about 6 - 8 of those miles as long as it's on some sort of out and back trail.

PS - delayed review from ealier this week.

Freeze dried vegie snacks - meh.  I had a little over the past 2 days and I'll probably finish the bag today.  It's nothing to write home about (or in your blog about)

Chocolate calcium disc - AMAZING!  It's just like a delcious decadent peice of dark chocoalte! So good...I am so sad I forgot mine today!


  1. I had been using 5lb weights for No More Trouble Zones too, so one day I got the brilliant idea to go to WalMart and buy 3lb weights, thinking this would help me not to die. Wrong. Still died.

    1. I was thinking I needed to upgrade to 8lbs - that's what we use at the gym. No way - the 5's are plenty when working with Jill!

  2. So glad to hear about your dedication to your whootie. I forgot your challenge too but I did tell someone about it and she got really confused. So, mission accomplished.
