Thursday, March 21, 2013

Carrots for Breakfast

Wednesday Workout Wrap-Up: AM: Elliptical. PM: Evolution Class

In my attempt to "be more like Danni" and to watch HBO series, I got up yesterday early to have enough time to hop on the elliptical before work. I am an avid Q-tip user, even if they are bad for you - but after watching yesterday's episode of Girls...I have avoided them like the plague.  Sorry if that is a spoiler alert - but I was so grossed out by that episode. Eww!

Evolution was great again last night - we did a lot of running drills.  That always helps break up the time and keeps your body guessing what is coming next.  We also ended class with a lot of work on the barre - the legs were screaming, but now that spring is here and all the cute shorts are on sale at Old Navy, I'll be glad for those torture sessions.

I was so excited for dinner all day.  I had an awesome omelet last weekend at a place called XS.  It was just egg with avocado and chicken in it topped with salsa - but the combo was so good.  I had some left over chicken from Monday, so I grabbed an avocado on the way home and was good to go! 
Yes, that is a hamburger bun toast.  Wegmans Lite  - less cals than sandwich thins!
 OK - now the part of the post that makes the title make sense.  I expereimented with a smoothie recipe on Monday and it was a fail - the ratios were off and well mostly it was due to the use of Soy protein in stead of Whey.  I bought new whey protein yesterday and made a world of difference.  I'll save the soy version for making protein pancakes this weekend...yum! 

Carrot Cake Smoothie
  • 4 -5 baby carrots
  • 2 big spoonfuls of fat free cottage cheese (could use yogurt)
  • scoop of vanilla protein powder
  • dash of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
  • dash of vanilla extract
  • (optional) I put in a dash of Starbucks Gingerbread syrup
  • ice
  • almond milk or water
Blend like crazy and enjoy!

Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe?   I think as it gets warmer, this smoothie will need to happen!

Also - I am issuing a challenge today!

Challenge #1 : Jump rope for 15 minutes!  I'll be taking that on tonight.  Try it with or without a rope - you may burn a bonus 100 calories!


  1. I was skeptical about the title of this post but that does sound good. I should totally start doing that challenge at recess! Too bad I have a meeting today - maybe tonight! I used Danni as workout motivation this week too!
