Tuesday, March 12, 2013

DVR Strife

Workout Wrap-Up: 25 min on elliptical this morning, 4.5 mile run after work

After barely being able to get out of bed yesterday morning (darn daylight savings time!!) I managed to get up a little early this morning to hop on the elliptical before getting ready for work.  This was mainly because I wanted to watch the next episode of Girls. Are you watching this?  Its so awkward - but I can't stop. Why are HBO shows so addicting?

After work I met up with my usual Tuesday running group, Run, Gab, Gulp & Go!  Even though the weather was super nice - only 5 people showed up. It was nice to get out for an evening run in daylight - (alright, you win daylight savings time) A lot of other people had the same idea tonight because the waterfront that we run on was packed with other runners. 
I always high-five this guy when I run past
Saturday's BBQ was decent.  I don't think anyone was overly impressed by anything we ate. I got smoked turkey - that was alright - but my sides were not so good - so I picked at them which I guess was a better decision.  My friend John did get something called a bacon jarbeque - I think only he could handle this meal.

Sunday's race was fun too! It was so crowded - that's the only downside.  The crowd never really breaks up, so there is a lot of dodging people. Considering that and the fact that I stayed up way too late the night before, I was content with my finish time of 28:33.  I tried to find my friends at the end to celebrate - but there was just way too many people so they had already left. 

Monday was another challenging class at Inline.  We ran a lot of drills like suicides, and carrying weights.  We break the class into two teams to compete against each other which makes it feel like you are in 5th grade again. It make class a lot of fun and the time flies by.  I had to sneak out a little early last night, but I made up for it with some time on the elliptical at home and doing some weights on my own.

First World Problem Alert!  I was having an issue with my cable last night and was not able to handle not being able to watch Biggest Loser.  I was afraid to unplug the box so I wouldnt mess up the DVR.  I patiently waited until 10 when the recording was over and stayed up to watch the whole thing just to have it cut out right at the weigh in! AHH!  So now I have the On Demad version playing, but you cannot fast forward it - annoying - so I have The Office playing on Netflix while I wait for the whole episode to play out again to the end.  Speaking of weigh in's 2 more lbs down as of yesterday. win.

Is it bad that I think this week is going by super slow already?


  1. I've been super slowly watching Girls but I do love it! We are like 5 weeks behind on the biggest loser and it's ruining my life. I need more info on John's meal.

  2. I love Girls! Agreed- super awkward, but I can't get enough. I have a minor girl crush on Shoshanna, so that might be why I stick around.
