Saturday, March 9, 2013


Ahh the weekend if finally here! Hooray! I started my weekend off by leaving work an hour early and running across the harbor to a running store to pick up a race packet for a race I have tomorrow.  It's a St. Patrick's themed run and was really fun last year...hoping for the same this year.  The race is usually very crowded but it starts mostly downhill and ends with free beer - so not bad at all.
Last year's race - I expect us all to look identical tomorrow.

Today is gorgeous out - I met some friends for coffee in another neighborhood -and my walk back was super hot.  We had "snow" earlier this week and today I wished I had worn flip-flops outside.  I hope the nice & warm weather doesnt throw off my run tomorrow since I am used to running in temps closer to 40 - not 60+.  I guess spring is on the way!

This morning was a really fun class at the gym.  It felt like a really good workout - and I can't beleive how "easy" push-ups are getting.  I in no way will call them easy - probably EVER...but it feels good that I can notice myself getting better at them.

I got a great email this week - well make that 2.  The first one was a summary of our progress during the first round of Evolution.  I blurred out the actual numbers...but you can see the changes here: 

I hope that this next 4 weeks have similar results.  Days like today will make this tricky since I have a lot of delicious plans ahead of me!  I am going to get dinner at a BBQ place with friends - so I will try to make better choices...then tonight is a party...aka drinking, so again - hoping to keep that under control and choose crappy light beer instead of delicious ones - sacrifice! It'll be worth it :)

OK - time to eat some smoked meats...probably less than I want. 


  1. NICE! Those are amazing stats!

  2. Smoked meats yum! At least crappy light beer doesn't make you feel as bloated and full as some of the delicious ones, right?
