Thursday, March 7, 2013

Snow Day

Well, it never happened.  This supposed 5-10" of awesome snow we were supposed to get in Baltimore ended up just being an on and off rainy day.  So many people worked from home, got snow days from school, businesses closed...all for rain!

The best part was how long it took for the news to acknowledge that the snow was never going to happen.  Most people stayed at home in the anticipation that the snow would get here - and lots of it.  And, avoiding driving during any type of weather on the Baltimore beltway is totally understandable. So as the morning turned into afternoon with no sign of snow ever showing - I think it was finally 3 or 4 pm when the news posted that the storm warning was removed from the area.  Delayed reaction!  There was about 5 people from my department at work - so that made it nice and quite and a good day to knock stuff out.

I was prepared to work from home on Tuesday, even followed MD tradition and wore my PJs inside out (does anyone know where this came from??).  I love the idea of working from the couch, drinking coffee, watching the snow fall outside and getting laundry done all at once (I am a multi-tasker).  But, sadly when I looked out the window - only rain.  I am originally from upstate NY, so nothing short of 3 feet of snow impresses me - so I got up and headed to the office.  (I have no excuse really, I work a mile from home and walk or ride my bike everyday - bonus calorie burn!)
That mirror could use some Windex
The gym emailed during the day saying that class was on - rain or shine, turns out there was no need since the threat of a snow storm by the evening was negative.  We did 2 rounds of abs last night - normally one is torturous enough, but they upped the ante.  I feel like planks are getting easier as the weeks go on, but my hands always slip on the mat which has me wondering if I need those grippy yoga gloves...and will that make me look like a cool super hero, or a bum standing over a burning trashcan?
Google search for "bum gloves"
I also became the Mayor of the gym last night - woot!

Nothing else too exciting to report now - I'll start to post weigh-ins on Saturday mornings to make sure I am keeping on track!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, I finished my run last week and was like "they HAVE to have given up by now" and all the newscasters still insisted snowquester was coming! I'm certainly not complaining about a bonus day off though.
