Friday, April 12, 2013

The Gun Show

Wednesday Workout Wrap-Up: Barre Class
Thursday Workout Wrap-Up: 2 mile hill run, "Booty Call" class
Friday Workout Wrap-Up: Upper body strength

So glad the weekend is finally here!

This morning I woke up before my alarm and felt pretty awake.  Today would be a perfect day to stay home and rest.  It's gloomy and pouring rain with some thunder and lightening.  Unfortunately that was not an option.

According to my 1/2 training, today was to be an upper body strength training day.  I got out of bed and grabbed my weights and found a couple On-Demand videos to try.  One of them I chose because of the name alone - "The Gun Show" could you go wrong with that?  

 I was glad to work only upper body today b/c I think my legs are about to murder me in my sleep.  The past few days have been "lets beat the crap out of my legs" days between hill running, barre and the HIIT class I did - they were thankful for a break.  I also got a ride to work today so they didn't even have to walk or ride the're welcome legs!

Tonight I am getting together with my BFFs for dinner and probably a horrible Netflix movie.  Hopefully the rain is gone by then because we also might hit up a food truck gathering.

Mmmm...Street Meat
 Saturday I get to hang out with this cutie:

Please don't steal me!

I'll be watching my friends little lady while they head out for a much deserved lunch and movie...Jurassic Park in 3-D!  What could be better? :) 

Sunday will wrap up the weekend with a lovely 8 milers....let's do this!



  1. Such a cute picture of Harper! Like seriously, little girls have much cuter clothing options than little boys. Also, a Food Truck gathering?? Why could this not have been an event during my stay in Baltimore?

  2. The Dwight pic is amazing. It made my life.
